30 June 2009
29 June 2009
Unkommon Kolor King of Pop Tribute T's
We here at Unkommon Kolor salute those that are bold enough to blaze a new trail and create a lane for themselves. Its kinda the premise of our whole company. There has perhaps never been a star brighter or trailblazer more influential than Michael Jackson. While MJ's style was certainly his own, sequined bellhop jacket or not, you must admit MJ was a trendsetter. He had us mimicking his dance moves in the mirror wishing we had a "glitter glove". Michael Jackson not only revolutionized popular music, he reinvented the music video and what it truly meant to be an "artist". Michael's music touched us all and his legacy will forever live on. Wear your Unkommon Kolor King of Pop Tribute T proudly and know that if Mike had one, it would be covered in rhinestones and sequins. Pre-Order yours now. Only a limited number of these will be printed and when they are gone they are gone forever!!! http://www.unkommonkolor.com/mj

unkommon kolor
28 June 2009
Get $#!+ Done MONTH: 20 min sketch: LEADERS of the NEW COOL: Charles Hamilton
unkommon kolor
27 June 2009
26 June 2009
Dope or Nope
For those who you who don't know I(Regular Ass Bryan) have created a little game kalled DOPE or nope. It's pretty easy. I post something and you post Dope or nope and feel free to put a comment why or why not...


Dope or Nope
25 June 2009
King of Pop Dead at 50...
I was planning to write something about remembering seeing Michael Jackson perform for the first time. Or my first time watching an epic MJ video, but words cannot express how I’m feeling right now. “Numb” is the only one that comes to mind. I thought I would be well into my 50s before this day would come. There has perhaps never been a person to touch more people’s lives than the man that passed away tonight. His influence on not only music, but pop culture is something that will NEVER been seen again. Whatever you do to celebrate his life or mourn his death just remember to do it respectfully. Show some class and leave those forwarded so called “witty” texts alone.
24 June 2009
23 June 2009
Get $#!+ Done MONTH: 20 min sketch: LEADERS of the NEW COOL: Dom Kennedy
unkommon kolor
22 June 2009
21 June 2009
Adidas Store @ North Park Center
The Unkommon Kolor Hermes Adidas are on display now at the Adidas Store in North Park Center. Go by and check them out in person. Tell them Unkommon Kolor sent ya... you don't get anything for saying it per se... but its a good look, and who doesn't want to be a part of a good look?

unkommon kolor
20 June 2009
19 June 2009
18 June 2009
Get $#!+ Done MONTH: Unkommon Kolor Hermes Adidas FINAL
After going back and looking at the Unkommon Kolor Hermes Adidas we weren't pleased with the finished product so we went back in put in more work. We felt the wings looked like an after thought of sorts so we took the sky and cloud design onto the Adidas stripes to unify the entire design. It worked. So we felt it was worth showing with the finalized design.

unkommon kolor
17 June 2009
16 June 2009
15 June 2009
There are few better feelings than reaping the benefits of your diligence and hard work. Over the weekend we received an e-mail, a rather lengthy e-mail, essentially showing appreciation for what we do. We thought it would be fitting to post that e-mail for you all to read. We really do love our supporters!!!
And oh yeah before we forget we have QUITE a bit of stuff lined up for this summer... get ready, or get left.
From: yvonne u.
To: Unkommon Kolor!!!
Subject: i would REALLY like you to read this thank you. kinda took me a while
before you opt to close this & never give it the light of day again, let alone read it, i'm gonna beg you not to. now, as a warning, i'm gonna try my hardest not to sound lame & wack in this message, but if i slip up and start to sound like a fan girl, pretend whatever i said that was fan girl-ish was never said. mkay? mkay.
i guess you could say this message is more like a thank you note. for what? well, put simply, for being YALL. for being unkommon kolor. & here comes a whack line, but you guys are like a breath of fresh air. & i'm not just saying that. i first heard about you guys at my long time family friend's movie night thing in december. this guy there stood up, introduced himself, & said something about blue and clothes, and something about a hat, and some common colors, or uncommon ones, i dunno. i didn't really care.
four months later, another close friend was going ooon and ooooon about yall. he was displaying what i like to call "fanboy-ish" behavior, which i usually can't stand, but i decided to check yall out anyways.
& gawdang. like i said. breath of fresh air. i blogged & myspace-bulletin-posted about yall as soon as i visited the website haha. i mean JEEZ, such talent is ridiculous. & so RARE. & it's not, like 20 states away from where i live, either. so, if i wanted to stretch it, i'm THAT much cooler by association. (haha yeeeah stretching it indeed).
anywho, people like you guys, with so much talent make me just wanna jump off a cliff & give up on life because i'll never be as good. JUST. KIDDING. i'm not THAT insecure about my work. but really. all of you have an insanely high amount of talent that, i admit, am quite jealous of. you've definitely (ugh, i hate admitting this to people) been an inspiration. well, wait, i don't hate admitting it to people, i just hate SAYING it like that because i'm sure it's so common & you get it a lot. i don't know any other way to word it though... oh well.
anyways, when i say "inspiration" i don't mean i ran out, bought some hats, kicks, tees, & paint & went crazy trying to be yall. it's more like... how yall work hard everyday to perfect your art, i guess you could call it, it made me wanna work hard to perfect mine, which is photography. & i'm no where near perfect, but in just this summer alone, i can say my photos have improved. so thanks for the nudge.
i really hope you understand what i've tried to say in this message, because if not, this whole thing was pointless. it wasn't meant to be a "hey guys! i like your stuff. keep up the good work!" comment. it was supposed to be more than that, because i think with what you guys have accomplished so far, you deserve it. it's supposed to be a real form of appreciation, because after a while, although you very well may apreciate them, those "omg, love the new shirt" comments may start to lose their value when a jillion people say it (well, they would to me, anyways).
i typed this in notepad for reasons that would take too long to explain, so sorry if anything's messed up or spelled wrong. & i kinda sorta spent some time writing this, so if you'd just let me know if you decided to read it, that'd be pretty cool. even a "we got it, & you're stupid" would work. i just wanna know this was read by someone at unkommon kolor.
& i hope this gave yall a boost & made yall feel good about yourselves just a smidget more than before reading this. even though you probably didn't need it.
And oh yeah before we forget we have QUITE a bit of stuff lined up for this summer... get ready, or get left.
unkommon kolor
14 June 2009
13 June 2009
12 June 2009
11 June 2009
10 June 2009
09 June 2009
Unkommon Kolor Custom Work
It was brought to our attention this week as we were transferring this blog to the new address (more on that when the time is right) that we have never explained the process involved when ordering any of our custom work, ie. fitted, kicks, skatedecks or Munnys. It's a simple operation really. Sometimes we come up with the concept. Sometimes the customer requesting the work comes up with the concept. Once we've deemed the concept worthy of our time, we sketch out the design and get to work. Because shoes, and hats are so size and detail specific, we rarely (see: NEVER) customize them JUST because. Meaning, we don't start on the project until someone orders it. We don't have a stock pile of custom work just lying around waiting for people to purchase it. So by the time the photos of the product make it online they've already belonged to the requester for days, sometimes weeks.
So, how do you get your paws on you very own custom Unkommon Kolor work?
So, how do you get your paws on you very own custom Unkommon Kolor work?
First off, we charge $25 per hour plus the cost of materials. If you bring us the hat, or shoes, or guitar, or whatever your "canvas" is, clearly, you'll only pay for the hours of work we put into your project. Consider these 3 simple guidelines before placing your order.
We NEVER paint the same thing twice.
We DO NOT work on worn or tattered items.
Unkommon Kolor takes pride in the quality of our work and agreeing to work on a less than stellar "canvas" puts the integrity of our work into question. I know you think LeBron James would look incredible on your "lucky draws" from 7th grade and I'm sure he would, but that's just not a sacrifice we're willing to make. Besides... that's just gross, throw those away!
We NEVER paint the same thing twice.
We understand that you loved the hat we customized for your boy. But part of what we do at Unkommon Kolor is keep things exclusive. For example, while we may paint another Jay-Z fitted at some point, we will never paint another hat using the Black Album cover as a reference.
We WILL NOT customize fakes.
If you have the gall to wear Pear Force Ones, that's your prerogative, but we don't support fakes and will NOT paint them. Again, our integrity is of dire importance.
We really hope this answers all your questions about our custom work. The only thing left to do now is place your order...
unkommon kolor
08 June 2009
Blue's Birthday Pool Party
**EDIT: I was receiving complaints that the webgallery was causing people's computers to crash, so I've broken the photos up into THREE different smaller galleries... I hope this helps! If not, leave those PCs alone and come on over to the Apple side!!!

photo album,
unkommon kolor
07 June 2009
06 June 2009
Street Dreams - Chasing Kids - Pharrell Williams
Pharrell Williams Talks "Street Dreams" from nation on Vimeo.
Clip: Pharrell Willams
Director: Rob Dyrdek
05 June 2009
04 June 2009
03 June 2009
Get $#!+ Done MONTH: Hermes Adidas
We could go into detail about how difficult this was to do but you don't care... So I'll save you the gory details. Painted on very limited edition Jeremy Scott Winged Adidas. It's obvious they were fashioned after Hermes the Greek messenger god so we decided whom or what better to paint on these shoes than Hermes himself. Enjoy!

unkommon kolor
02 June 2009
Get $#!+ Done MONTH: Floppy Disc Logo Earrings
How many people do you know that are actually aware of what the inside of a floppy disk looks like? We here at Unkommon Kolor do, we also know that various parts of floppy innards make great earrings. Behold the Unkommon Kolor Floppy Disc Logo Earrings done by Samantha the Intern AKA Sam...with the hair. Look closely and you can see how one says 'unkommon' in the background and the other 'kolor', creating a subtle treat for those close enough to whisper in your ear while wearing these.

unkommon kolor
GET $#!+ Done MONTH: Bellagio Hat Kris/Chris Fitted
These were done MONTHS ago but we just realized we never posted them... So technically these don't count towards our doing something everyday but we had to make sure we showed them. Both painted by the REAL Jeremy Biggers for two different clients. The Bellagio hat was done for a high roller that was planning to give the hat as a gift to the casino's owner. The Kris/Chris Fitted was done for a friend and his wife both named Chris (Kris) on a New Era Kansas City Royals fitted.

unkommon kolor